PDF Tutorial Honeycomb vessel – English


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Title: PDF tutorial for creating 3D wet felted honeycomb vessel, how to make it, step-by-step instruction, instant download, DIY, wet felting.
Language: English
Documents: 2 PDF files: one PDF file consists of 45 pages, 55 large photos in A5 format, so you can see everything in detail.
The other PDF file consists of 16 pages, 55 small photos, so you can have a compact overview of everything and print it conveniently.

Level: This PDF tutorial is suitable for both beginners and advanced users.
If you still need support, feel free to contact me via Instagram , Facebook or the contact form, and I will help you further.

Storage requirements: The PDF files requires in total 17 MB of disk space.

– This is a step-by-step PDF tutorial that shows and explains how to felt this 3D honeycomb vessel.
– You will get exact measurements for the templates and resists to make this 3D object.
– I show how to get this honeycomb structure, how many resists you need and exactly how to lay them.
– I explain what is important, give tips. You learn what you need to pay attention to, so that the honeycombs stand at the end and remail in this shape forever.
– If you put a glass vase in the neck of the vessel, then you can use this object not only for dried flowers, but also for the fresh flowers.

Delivery: instant download.
Notes on the download: The download link is valid indefinitely after payment and can be used for five separte downloads. (e.g. PC and tablet). If you have problems downloading, I’m happy to help. Use my contact form for this.

Legal: Using the pdf document or parts of it in your own seminars and tutorials, as well as passing on the material to third parties or performing it, are not permitted without my prior approval. However, you are welcome to freely use the knowledge imparted for handicraft products you have created yourself and to sell them.